Bottom-up and Needs based Professional Development

IDevice Icon 1998 Baseline Survey

In 1998, a survey was conducted to establish the status of secondary mathematics and science education in Kenya. the study was a pre-cursor to the institutionalized and regularized INSET training for mathematics and Science teachers in Kenya. The findings were categorized into what a capacity development programme could immediately handle and other factors that required stakeholder involvement/ consultation.

Factors that SMASSE can handle
Factors that SMASSE cannot handle
Attitude: Teachers, principals, students and parents negative/unfavourable attitude towards mathematics and sciences lack of staff houses and other facilities/ equipments: textbooks, electricity, water
Pedagogy: Inappropriate teaching methodology, invariably teacher centred Poor communication and funding of school
activities and programmes
Content/ Subject Mastery: Inadequate mastery of content by mathematics and science teachers
Parents and communities’ attitude
Formative Evaluation: Inadequate/ inappropriate assignments to students, which were rarely marked
Interrupted school programmes: fees
collection and arrears
Teacher Collaboration: Few or non-existent interactive fora for mathematics and science teachers
Food, child labor, and other family problems
Infrequent inspection from subject inspectors

Teachers’ poor working conditions and
terms of services: incentives;
unfair transfers; stagnation in one job
Missing link between primary and secondary school (syllabuses)
content levels
Overloaded syllabi and timetables, work

SMASSE INSET programmes and stakeholder workshops were developed to address the factors above

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JCA Presentation: Using GeoGebra in Secondary School Mathematics teaching