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One Step Further (ICT Integration)

Developing classroom resources for science

Planning a learning resource

In this activity you will be preparing an outline plan for a learning experience that you will be developing. You should by now have collected some good ideas and at least some resources based on the learning outcomes of your choice. The next step in the development process is to plan out what your outcomes will be and which activities you will take into the classroom and when.

By the end of this activity you could achieve the following outcomes:

- Create a learning experience plan template
- Plan a learning experience
- Develop an assessment strategy
- Produce a learner sample document

2 hours

Follow these steps to complete these activities. Look for contexts that are meaningful to you in your classroom.

  Description Resources
1 Work in pairs (30 minutes).
  • Look at the sample learning experience plan shown. It summarises one week's work on electricity.
  • From the plan
    • Identify the relevant learning outcomes.
    • Summarise the content of the learning experience.
    • Evaluate the learning experience - how could you improve on this? Bear in mind the principles of OBE.
    • How could the use of ICT enhance this lesson?
  • Note down which headings you would like to use for your own learning experience planning form.
  • Design a learning plan form to suit your own needs.
» Sample learning experience plan.

» How to use tables in a word processor.
2 Curriculum relevance
Work on your own (15 minutes).

You will start to plan the essential components of your lesson experience:
  • Identify the learning outcomes and assessment standards that you would like to include in this learning experience.
  • Insert the wording of these in your lesson plan.
3 Assessment
Work in pairs (30 minutes).

In your plan, identify an assessment strategy for your learning experience.
  • What evidence will be assessed?
  • Who will assess?
  • How will the assessment take place?
  • Remember to identify specific scientific skills or processes that you may like to assess.
  • You may like to include an assessment of group work or the appropriate use of ICT.
  • That final evidence of having achieved the learning outcome will you assess?
» An assessment tool template.

» Ideas about what we assess.
4 Presentation
Work in pairs (45 minutes).
  • In your plan, identify the way in which your students will present the outcomes of their learning. See the resource column for some ideas.
  • Produce a learner sample - a document that you would typically expect the learners to produce at the end of this learning experience.
» Ideas about what we assess.

Recommended next activity:

» Creating worksheets and/or transparencies

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