students into groups of four or five, and ensure that each
group has a copy of a Mercator’s map of the world and a political
map of the world.
them first to look at the political map, and compare the size
of Africa to Europe, North America and Greenland. Ask them
to report back on their findings.Then
ask them to look for the same comparisons on the Mercator’s
map. Ask them to analyse the differences, and report back
to the class.
Class discussion and brainstorm: How big is Africa really?
How many countries can you name. How many capital cities can
you name. Who lives in Africa? Ask a student to draw a mindmap
of all the ideas on the board.
return to the political maps and ask the students in groups
to describe the borders of states in Europe. Then in Asia.
What do they notice? Now ask them to describe the borders
of states in Africa and what they notice there. Ask for suggestions
about the differences.
go to Africa in History
and read out the article in class. Ask the students to investigate
the Country Profiles section
for the next lesson, so that they are able to give an ouline
of one country.