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Wong Gim Teck

I am 17 years old and reside in Singapore. Currently I am studying in the National Junior CollegeREMOTE, a prestigious college in Singapore, in the Science stream taking Computing.

My main medium is English and I am also fluent in Mandarin. Living in Singapore and studying in The Chinese High SchoolREMOTE, I was exposed to a diverse curriculum including Computer Studies, Art, Music and sports.

The subjects I am studying now includes Economics, Computing, General Paper and Physics.

I was more interested in Computer Studies and love to play around with my computer. I am a Hockey player and also love music a lot. After completion of Junior College in Singapore and serving National Service, I plan to move to USA to study computer engineering.

During my free time, I will do anything I enjoy including going to town alone and shopping myself. I am always learning every minute now and then in all fields from technology to philosophy to medicine to science to ...

I can be reached at jwgt@yahoo.comREMOTE.

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