Overview Topics



Section Summaries


Other Sections

About This Site


Current Events


Further Information










About This Site
The About section contains information concerning the creation of this site.  In it, you'll find credits, a bios of each team member, a guide for using the site, as well as other information about The Cuban Experience.  It also contains a forum for visitors to post their comments on The Cuban Experience.

For information about everything from music to religion, go to the Culture section.  Many photos of Cuba have been placed throughout the section, and a wide variety of topics are addressed. 

Current Events
The Current Events section has dozens of articles about recent happenings in Cuba.  The events go back a couple years and are broken down by category.  Visitors can also add their own events involving Cuba, in the Contribute page.

The Forums section is a collection of message boards that are open for debate, questions, and communication.  Talking with other people may help answer your questions about Cuba or help you understand other peoples' opinions.  The General Discussion Board, exclusive to the Forums section, is a place to meet other visitors, including Cubans.

Further Information
Find a topic on our site which you wish to learn about in more detail?  Check the Further Information section for our recommendations of additional useful resources for research.  For your convenience, we have categorized recommended resources by topic, as well as by media type.

The History section provides two types of information.  First, many important events in Cuban history are covered.  There are also articles describing Cuba, its culture, important people, and major events, during a important periods in Cuban history.  Additionally, the History section features an interactive timeline through which you can explore Cuban history visually.

You may want to look at the overview section first.  It provides introductions for different groups of people, and also has a map of the site.  You can refer to the glossary in this section if there is a term you don't understand.

The Places section is a guide to the cities and provinces of Cuba.  It features an interactive map of the island, which you can use to "visit" places in Cuba..

The People section covers over 30 different people who have shaped Cuban history.  There are some photo galleries of certain people, and quotes and speeches from several others.

There is an interview with Jorge Domínguez in the Politics section.  There are also many political topics and a page to let visitors add their opinions on major issues.

The Search section will let you do a complete search of our site.  This may be useful for a topic that may not fit into any particular section.  If you wish to search the entire World Wide Web, try the Further Information section.

This section contains two simulations, a Virtual Tour of Cuba, and a simulation of the Cuban Missle Crisis.There is also a summary of all interactive features in this site, and a trivia contest that awards prizes to the winners.

The Travel section will help anyone thinking of going to Cuba.  It provides basic summaries of things such as food, lodging, and entertainment in Cuba.  There is also a weather page which will tell you the current conditions.

This entire site, except for licensed resources, Copyright (c) 1998 by Team 18355. All rights reserved. Continued use of this site constitutes acceptance of the terms and policies contained herein.