Jacob Kitzman currently attends James Madison Memorial High School in Madison, Wisconsin, where he will be entering his junior year. He's enrolled in a broad range of classes at Memorial, including AP courses in Spanish, Physics, Chemistry, MicroEconomics, and Computer Science.
His primary academic interests are in the fields of physics, mathematics, and comptuer science. He also enjoys various extracurricular activities such as cross-country, track, policy debate, mock trial, regional math, and international computer programming competitions.
His sparse free time is entirely devoured by socialization, sleep, and various pet projects. Living in Madison is generally pretty fun; being a campus city, there's usually quite a bit to do by the way of cultural and intellectual activities. Sleeping used to be one of his great pastimes, but it increasingly looks like he'll have to give it up in favor of various projects... for instance, learning the Microsoft's DirectX 6.0 Application Programming Interface in order to create his own games.
Jacob also does some web design work on the side for a