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Saturday, June 23
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shopmallingToday is the sixth and last day of this virtual tour.  You will first see an oddity in Cuba: a shopping mall.  It is Cuba's largest, and once inside, you wouldn't be able to tell what country you were shopping in.


buildngsAfter that, you will walk around neighborhoods to look at buildings.  Many have deteriorated since the Revolution, and often they are without paint.  Many of these buildings are now being restored and fixed so they can continue to be habitable.

havnightYou will then see Havana at night.  Many other people are also out and about, and you will be able to look across Havana Bay to the other side of the city.


houseafricaYour last stop of the trip is the Casa de Africa (House of Africa).  This museum features many African cultural symbols and there will also be a dancing and singing event.

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