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David Mericle

David Mericle, 15, is a student at James Madison Memorial High School.  He will be entering the 10th grade there.  His classes will include Calculus, Economics, Spanish, Physics, Computer Science, and English.

He is also the founder and CEO of Mericle INC (Mericle InterNet Consulting).  The active division of the company is named Mericle Web Design.  The company's web site can be found at www.mericleinc.comREMOTE.

Mericle Web Design has an international clientele and recently opened an office in Singapore, the first foreign division of the company.  In its first year of business, the company was highly successful.  Since then, things have cooled down and profits have declined.  The company reports that the Asian Crisis is responsible for this year's problems.

For the past two years, David has attended an academic summer program held at Northwestern University.  He has studied chemistry and politics while there.  He also reads during the summer and occasionally goes on vacation.

After the ThinkQuest competition is over, David plans to continue doing work involving Cuba.  He plans to share what he learned from the trip to Cuba he made during the summer of 1998. 

He hopes to use what he has learned to increase understanding about Cuba among people in the United States.  He also would like to work towards better relations between these countries.

David plans to continue expanding his business, hopefully opening more offices.  As CEO, it is his responsibility to plan for the future of the company.  He hopes that adding more skill and foreign divisions to Mericle Web Design will enable the company to reach new markets.

Next year, David plans to enter the ThinkQuest competition again.  He has no plans for a topic yet.

Anyone interested in contacting David can reach him at David@mericleinc.comREMOTE.

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