People: Cuban Presidents

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Cold War Figures | Cuban Presidents | Early Cuban Revolutionaries Multimedia Resources | Others | Spaniards

Fulgencio Batista

Fulgencio Batista

Batista governed Cuba, often brutally, from 1933-1944 and 1952-1959.  He maintained close commercial and political ties with the United States.

Laredo Bru

Laredo Brú fought in the War of Independence.  Later, he became the President of Cuba, heavily influenced by Batista.


Salvador Cisneros Betancourt

Cisneros Betancourt was the head of the Government in Arms during the 10 Years' War, and was involved later as well.

Osvaldo Dorticós

Dorticós became Cuba's first President after the 1959 Revolution.  He was later replaced by Fidel Castro.

Jose Miguel Gomez

Jose Miguel Gómez

Gómez was a Liberal leader who became the President of Cuba.  He split with his running mate, Alfredo Zaya, and was cheated out of another term.

Ramón Grau

Grau became the President of Cuba after the Sergeants overthrew Machado.  That didn't last long, but he was elected President again in 1944.

Gerardo Machado y Morales

Gerardo Machado y Morales

Machado fought in the Cuban War of Independence and became the leader of Cuba from 1924-1933

Bartolomé Masó

Masó was President during the War of Independence.  He planned to run again, but withdrew because his of fraudulent actions by this opponents.

Mario Garcia Menocal

Mario García Menocal

Menocal fought during the War of Independence.  He later beat Alfredo Zayas as the Conservative candidate in a Presidential election.

Tomás Estrada Palma

Estrada Palma became Cuba's first President after the US occupation.  When problems arose from the Liberals, he chose to leave politics.


Carlos Prío

Prío became President in 1948.  His administration was corrupt, and Batista overthrew him in 1952.  He later assisted Fidel Castro's rebels financially.

Alfredo Zayas

Alfredo Zayas was a Cuban political leader.  Running first as vice-president, he later became President, though probably through illegitimate means.

Alfredo Zayas