Dolphins - The Oracle of the Sea
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The Relationship between Humans and Dolphins

Many cases of humans interacting with dolphins, both positively and negatively, exist. Humans have slaughtered millions of dolphins in the name of wealth, while other humans have tried to save them. Dolphins have been kept in captivity, causing a great deal of controversy over the ethical implications of such activities as research and performance. This section discusses three major issues regarding the relationship between humans and dolphins: threats, conservation, and dolphins in captivity.

Threats Page


Over the centuries, as much as people have come to revere dolphins, other people have tried to slaughter them. Both by design and by accident, dolphins are taken around the world. Over the past few decades, fisheries have developed that have killed millions of dolphins and in some cases reduced their populations to small fractions of what they were. This page discusses the problems of direct and incidental catching, as well as other environmental concerns like habitat destruction.

Conservation Page

Conservation Measures

As much as some people have tried to slaughter dolphins, others have tried to save them. Over the years, many conventions, treaties, and laws have been developed to assuage the murder of these creatures. This page briefly discusses some of the provisions made.

Captivity Page

Dolphins in Captivity

Whether or not it is ethical to keep dolphins in captivity and train them to perform in front of audiences is a source of much debate. Some believe that forcing dolphins to perform is degrading and humiliating, while others argue that many of the behaviors that dolphins demonstrate when performing are part of their natural repertoires, and that they are naturally gregarious and acrobatic animals. This page discusses the issues of dolphins in captivity and explains some of the debate behind it.

© 1998 Thinkquest Team 17963 <17963@advanced.orgREMOTE>: Bradford Hovinen, Onno Faber, Vincent Goh
Modified: 21 August 1998, Created: 17 August 1998
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