Dolphins - The Oracles of the Sea
Evolution and Taxonomy Behaviour
Anatomy Human and Dolphin
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Welcome to this part of our website where you can learn about the behaviour of dolphins. In this section, you will be introduced to the gregarious nature of dolphins, proceeding to find out how and why they behave in such a manner. To allow a better understanding of the behaviour of dolphins, some video and sound clips are available. Four topics will be devoted to this section: intelligence, navigation, playfulness and social intercourse.

Intelligence & language

Intelligence and Language

Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures, and there are people who even believe that dolphins are intellectually equivalent to human beings, if not superior. To underline this common belief, the sophisticated medium of communication in dolphins has mystified many researchers. This section allows you to explore the intellectual world of dolphins.

Navigation and echolocation

Navigation and Echolocation

Dolphins have a very handy navigation method using sonar. With this apparatus, dolphins can navigate through the sea with ease, despite their handicap in sight. In this section, there will be clear explanation to how this sonar works, and how it is used.

Playfulness of the Dolphin

Playfulness of the Dolphin

We know all about the playfulness of dolphins. Dolphins like to play a lot, and we are glad they do. Take a look at a dolphinarium, and you will understand. In this section, you can find out about the different activities and games that dolphins often indulge in. Video clips are available for some of the games that they play.

Social Intercoarse and Communication

Social Intercourse and Communication

Dolphins are sociable, friendly animals who enjoy companionship a great deal. This is why they live in big groups and exhibits amiability. Here, we will find out how dolphins interact and live with each other. In addition, we will also examine the interaction and communication between dolphins and humans and find out the underlying problems with human-dolphin relationship.

© 1998 Thinkquest Team 17963 <17963@advanced.orgREMOTE>: Bradford Hovinen, Onno Faber, Vincent Goh
Modified: 29 August 1998, Created: 7 July 1998
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