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Dolphins: The Oracles of the Sea

Humans have always found dolphins to be enchanting creatures. Ever since the days of the first seafarers, they have been the subject of numerous works of art, literature, and myth. They are among the most intelligent of animals, as some species have brain-to-body mass ratios equal to that of a human being. They are also mammals, having evolved from land-faring creatures tens of millions of years ago. They are known for their extremely gregarious behavior. This site is designed to be an interactive, educational introduction into the study of these majestic creatures.

Evolution, Taxonomy, and Species Page

Evolution, Taxonomy, and Species

This part of the site includes detailed information on the evolutionary history of dolphins, the division of the dolphin family into different genera and species, and the individual characteristics of each species. The differences between and special facets of the various species of dolphins are discussed with photos and distribution maps made available. Oceanic dolphins, river dolphins, and small, toothed whales are all discussed along with the taxonomic differences between them.

Anatomy Page


This section includes information on the anatomical features of dolphins, emphasizing the special adaptations that dolphins and other marine mammals have made to survive in a fully aquatic existence. In addition, the method used for propulsion is discussed in detail.

Behaviour Page


This section discusses the behavioural characteristics of dolphins, placing emphasis on their unusually high level of intelligence and on their use of communication and echolocation for navigation. How dolphins treat their young, and how they operate in groups are also discussed. Videos demonstrating dolphins' behaviour are available.

Human and Dolphin Relationship Page

The Relationship Between Humans and Dolphins

Various aspects of how humans and dolphins interact and have interacted in the past are discussed in this section. We have information on the exploitation of and man-made threats to dolphins, both in the past and in the modern day, and the efforts of various groups to conserve dolphins. In addition, the debate of whether keeping dolphins in captivity is discussed.

© 1998 Thinkquest Team 17963 <17963@advanced.orgREMOTE>: Bradford Hovinen, Onno Faber, Vincent Goh
Modified: 29 August 1998, Created: 7 July 1998
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