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Nepal Himalayas

General Info
 ·  Solo Khumbu
      ·  Namche Bazar
      ·  Thyangboche
      ·  Pangboche
      ·  Kalapattar
      ·  Pheriche
    ·  Buddhism in Khumbu
    ·  People: Sherpas

 ·  Mount Everest
    ·  The Quest for Everest
    ·  Early Years
    ·  The 1950s
    ·  Sherpas on Everest

 ·  Central Nepal
    ·  Mustang
    ·  Jomsom
      ·  People: Thakalis
    ·  Muktinath
    ·  Manang valley
      ·  Bryagu village
      ·  Manang village
      ·  Nyasang Division

 ·  Western Nepal
    ·  Jumla
    ·  Sukhadik

Photo Feature:
   Annapurna region

High Altitude Sickness

Endangered Species

Protected Areas


The Yeti Factor

The Himalayas - where earth meets sky
Nepal Himalayas

Annapurna region

Map of the Annapurna Region. Credit: Scott Yost Map of the Annapurna Region

Credit: Scott Yost

Machhapuchhare, the Fish Tail peak. Climbing has been banned on this peak for religious reasons.

Credit: Stan Armington
Machhapuchhare, the Fish Tail peak. Climbing has been banned on

this peak for religious reasons. Credit: Stan Armington

Annapurna Base Camp at dusk. The sacred Machhapuchhare peak stands to the right in the background. Credit: Scott Yost Annapurna Base Camp at dusk. The sacred Machhapuchhare peak stands to the right in the background.

Credit: Scott Yost

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