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Designing and creating a website
1. What is a website?

2 hours


This activity serves as an introduction to the course. This course is about both the design and creation of simple websites. You should not attempt this course if you have no previous experience of the computer. This course is for confident users.

If you have not worked with websites before you may like to spend more time exploring the more basic activities about how to construct a simple site.

If you have more experience with websites you have the opportunity to observe some sample websites and identify effective design features of simple websites.


Follow these steps to complete these activities. Look for contexts that are meaningful to you in your classroom.



Work with the facilitator (60 minutes).

  • Identify the basic features of a website.
  • Work through the guidelines to create a simple 2-page website. This is optional for experienced users.



What is a website?
How to create a simple 2-page website.


Work in pairs (60 minutes).

  • Look at the sites in basic Web design considerations.
  • Create a list of what you think are the common do's and don'ts for designing a good website. Use a word processor and place your list into a table like this:
Designing websites
Do's : Things to include
Don'ts: Things to avoid



Web design considerations.


Web design evaluation form.


Meet as a whole group (30 minutes)

  • Share your list of do's and don'ts.
  • Accumulate new ideas and your own.
  • Make a checklist of the things you think should be included in your website, as well as a list of things you think should not appear in your website.



Recommended next activity:

Activity 2: Planning a website


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