Module Outline
Learning Pathway
Activity 8: Planning an assessment strategy

Reading and Reflection: 30 mins


30 mins


When developing an assessment plan for a unit of work or a learning programme you may need to consider the questions set out below:

  • What is assessment?
  • Why will we assess?
  • What will we assess?
  • Who will do the assessing?
  • How will we assess? (which includes When? How often? and Where? as well as By what means?)
  • What will we do as a result of assessment?

You will recognise these questions from the various activities that provide the structure for this module. As we have discovered, these questions cannot be answered independently of one another.

In this particular module we are focusing on assessment of learning that includes the integration of ICT. Many of these assessment standards are no different to those of classes in which there is no ICT presence. These include:

  • application of a range of thinking skills to identify information needs and process information
  • ability to engage with open questions
  • co-operative group skills
  • oral presentation skills
  • writing skills
  • numeracy skills
  • ethical use of information
  • curriculum learning outcomes and assesssment standards

Other standards may be focused on specific ICT skills (although we should not emphasise these unless we are teaching about Information Technology as subjects). The most important ICT-related outcomes in ICT-integrated teaching should include:

  • how well learners identify, find, evaluate and process information from electronic sources
  • how appropriately learners use ICT applications to achieve learning outcomes (note this is not the same as pure IT skills)
  • how well learners integrate the non-ICT learning outcomes with the inobtrusive support of ICT.



Click here to go to Assignment 3.




Click here to complete the self-assessment form.

ICT and the Roles of the Educator
Module Outline | Learning Pathway | Activities

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