Module Outline
Learning Pathway
Activity 3: What we assess - catering for diversity

Reading and Reflection: 4 hrs
Group Activity: 1 hr
Reflection: 30 mins


5 hrs 30 mins


One of the shortcomings of assessment is that we did not always assess in ways that suited the abilities of all learners. Other than in practical subjects which have practical exams, assessment has largely tested memory, some understanding and less application and it has done so almost exclusively in test or exam situations where the learners have had to write answers. This has been very limiting and discriminating against learners with learning disabilities and learners with poorly developed writing skills. Yet, we often see these same learners shining in other aspects of school life where these limitations are not imposed on them.

In more recent years we, as teachers, have become more aware of factors of diversity such as multiple intelligence (as proposed by Gardner, amongst others), brain theory and learning styles. We have also become more aware of types of thinking as proposed by Bloom, amongst others. Although all of these serve to heighten our awareness of diversity we should guard against unnecessarily classifying learners according to the categories to which these theories refer. However they do cause us to pause and think about our assessment practice and to what extent not only our assessment, but also our teaching, caters for the diversity of learning needs.

Multiple intelligences

As we look at a brief overview of multiple intelligence consider how knowledge of these intelligences can influence your assessment practice. Consult the list of what you assess that you compiled in Activity 2.

Click here for a brief overview of Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory.

What we know about learning

When looking at this brief overview of some learning theory and how these could affect our teaching and assessment practice remember that this is just a brief overview and that the purpose in this instance is to focus on new possiblities for assessment, and not to critique the actual learning theory. For this reason we assume that the theories are suitably accepted in educational circles.

Click here to read about how some learning theories can affect our assessment practice.

Learning styles are perhaps a bit more contentious. Remember that you should guard against classifying learners strictly according to these categories. Consider how knowledge about such diversity can affect the way in which we introduce diversity in teaching and assessment practice.

Click here to read about the learning styles.

Taxonomy of thinking skills

Click here to read through Bloom's Taxonomy. For specific examples of how Bloom's taxonomy influences the way in which we ask questions, we refer you to James Burton's questions on Ecology, Food Advertising and Nutrition.

Let us look at how use can be made of Bloom' s categories of thinking skills to influence the way in which we assess. We will use the example on food advertising. The assessment is given in the form of questions. The questions would give the educator the opportunity to make use of formative assessment and provide feedback about the development of skills and understanding.

Click here to see another example of how we link Bloom's categories to specific assessment activities

In summary

Consider these examples of questions that one could pose to learners and the related diversity of activities that could result. Analyse how each example makes allowances for learning styles, multiple intelligence and types of thinking.

Click here to read and analyse the examples of questions and activities.

Group Activity 3

  1. How has knowledge of diversity influenced your view of teaching, learning and assessment?
    Participate in a group discussion (using the subject heading "Diversity") and discuss this question. Suggest which additional items could be added to the list of "what we assess" that you compiled in Activity 2.
  2. Make reflective comments in your blog.


Click here to go to Activity 4 - How we assess - assessment methods.

Assessing ICT Integration
Module Outline | Learning Pathway | Activities

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