An example of assessing learning

Bloom's level
When assessed
Comment on questions and intelligences used
Remember List 10 advertisements that use women's bodies to sell their food products. In a test or exam; class question Assuming that there are ten advertisements from which to recall, this is a closed question - there are correct answers; it tests memory or basic observation;
no formative feedback possible
Understand Explain why advertisements use music to sell their food products In a test or exam; class question A more open question - opinion is acceptable  - no one correct answer;
some discussion can follow this question if posed in class
Apply Construct a script for a Milo Bar advert


Write a jingle (an advertising song) for Glenryck Pilchards


Design a billboard for a new brand of cell phone

Would be too time-consuming to assess in a short test, but could be given in a longer exam

Best assessed in group context during class time or a long-term project taking up class and homework time

These activities are encouraging the use of intelligences other than the verbal/linguistic which is normally used. e.g. musical/rhythmic intelligence for the jingle; visual/spatial intelligence for the billboard; interpersonal intelligence for the group work; body/kinesthetic intelligence if the script had to be acted out in front of the class
Analyse Compare two dog food commercials. What is the difference between them and how do they both sell their products? class test or exam


group work

class discussion

This is a high-order thinking activity that is quite attainable by most learners. It is open-ended i.e. whereas there may be incorrect comparisons, there are also many correct answers

If this activity is done in class it offers the opportunity for formative assessment and the development of the skills of analysis

Evaluate Write a letter to Toyota explaining why you think their advertising is false and misleading.


Write a diary entry in which you show how an advertisement has offended you.

class test or exam


group work (for the first example)

class discussion

personal time for reflection

These are also a high-order thinking activities which require personal involvement and judgement from the learner. For this reason it will involve intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, although it also involves the more familiar logical/mathematical intelligence

Clearly, if the above activities and questions were given by one educator during a section on advertising, that educator would have made use of a variety of teaching and learning styles during the section of work. This would have included more than just talking and giving notes. As a result the educator has been able to make use of a variety of stimulating assessment techniques during the term and in the final exams.

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