Module Outline
Learning Pathway
Activity 1: Reflecting on your assessment practice

Reading and Reflection: 3 hrs
Survey: 3 hrs
Reflection: 1 hr


7 hrs


The purpose of this activity is for you to become aware of, and start thinking about, the assessment strategies you are currently using. As a practising teacher you have already established your own way of doing things to meet the demands of your teaching situation. This also applies to assessment strategies. You may already be doing assessment in a way which is working reasonably well for you, but how well is it working to enhance learning?

This activity will not prescribe certain assessment strategies as 'right' or 'wrong'. Rather, you need to become aware of what you are doing so that you can think about how effective your assessment is. As you work through the module, you may find that there are other ways of assessing that can enrich your teaching. The first step, however, is to reflect on your current assessment practice. 

While doing this activity, you can build some basic understanding about assessment terminology. In the long run the terminology is not all that important - it is far more important to be implementing good assessment practice, but let's examine some of the main elements of an assessment.

In order to assess something, even if it is a self-assessment, you need to decide on two things

  1. what are the outcomes that you want to assess and how will you find the evidence to prove what has been achieved? - this will determine the assessment technique or method
  2. what are the tools that you will use to gather this evidence and perform the actual assessment? The assessment tools always contain the criteria that you want to measure in some way.

In this activity we have decided on a self-assessment method, using a questionnaire as the assessment tool. In this questionnaire you will see that the questions indirectly refer to many different types of assessment practice.

Group Activity 1
  1. Score your current assessment practice using the questionnaire provided. Go to the file called Review of current practice to find the questionnaire.
  2. Use the learner questionnaire to find out what your learners think about your assessment practice. Note that in this case you are using the same tool (same questions and criteria) but applying it to a learner-review method. Learner reviews are amongst the most threatening, yet brave, things that a teacher can do.
  3. How do you feel about the results of the questionnaire. Do you think it gives an accurate reflection of how you use assessment in your classes? Share your thoughts by sending a message to your group (using the subject heading "Assesment review"). Tell them about what you have learnt from the exercise.

Before tackling Assignment 1 for this module you should read the content on the basic elements of assessment to ensure that you have a good understanding of basic assessment practice. In Assignment 1 you will analyse your assessment practice questionnaires. You need to be aware of why you assess, the role of assessment in the curriculum and how this relates to peer- and self-assessment, formative and summative assessment.

Click here to do the background reading about basic elements of assessment


Click here to go to Assignment 1.



Click here to go to Activity 2 - What we assess - product and process

Assessing ICT Integration
Module Outline | Learning Pathway | Activities

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