Review of current practice


Do you know what kinds of assessment strategies you are using? Answer the  questionnaire below to find out

This questionnaire asks you to describe important aspects of the classroom in which you  work. There are no right or wrong answers - it is your opinion is that really matters here.  

How to answer the questionnaire

The questionnaire consists of 10 sentences. For each sentence, put a cross in the box which corresponds with your answer. 

For example: In this class ...

    Almost never 




Almost always 

  Score     1       2        3    4     5
 1 I assess the whole class at the same time    



The cross shows that I think that I sometimes assess the whole class at the same time

• If you think that you almost always assess the whole class at the same time, put the cross in the box under 5. 
• If you think that you almost never assess the whole class at the same time, put the cross in the box under 1.
• Or you can choose the number 2, 3 or 4 if one of these seems like a more accurate answer. 

Now complete the questionnaire, thinking about your own teaching situation. Please give an answer for every question.

Questionnaire for the Teacher 

Educator assessment Almost never Seldom Sometimes Often Almost always
1 I assess the whole class at the same time          
2 I use written tests          
3 I provide feedback after tests and exams          
4 I allow my learners to assess each other          
5 I assess individuals rather than groups          
6 I assess team work / collaboration          
7 I set test questions which have  one correct answer          
8 I assess a variety of skills during projects          
9 I assess oral work, including class contribution          
10 I assess the learners' ability to think          

Something to think about: Do you ever tell learners what you are going to assess?

Scoring the questionnaire

A. Add the totals for questions 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 A =  
B. Add the totals for questions 1, 2, 5, 7 B =  
Subtract : A - B A - B=  

Click here to find out how varied your assessment strategies are.

Optional but interesting!

Find out if your learners have the same understanding of what happens in your classroom. Compare their scoring with yours. You might find that you need to think about some of your answers again!

Compare the results of the learner questionnaire with the 'score' you gave yourself.

If the learners' score is the same as yours, then you have scored your questionnaire honestly. If their score is much lower than yours then you need to think again about your actual assessment methods. If your learners' score is higher than yours, you have probably been too strict on yourself.

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