How varied is your assessment?


The following interpretation will give you a rough indication of how varied and authentic (valuable) your assessment in class is. If your scores are in the lower part of this scale, don't  feel discouraged. Rather be assured that you have chosen the correct module - one in which you will discover new ways of assessing that can enrich your teaching. 

Your score Interpretation 
21 to 26 You make outstanding use of a wide range of assessment techniques. You are well set to make excellent use of information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool in your teaching and learning. Your contribution to this module will be very valuable. Hopefully you will share some of your good ideas with the group, and also learn something from this module.
13 to 20 You make good use of a range of assessment techniques. The ideas which you encounter in this module may help you to increase the frequency and range of assessment techniques.
5 to12 You make reasonable use of a range of assessment techniques. You will probably learn some new teaching strategies through this module and become more confident to make use a wider variety of assessment techniques in your classes.
-13 to 4 Your assessment techniques tend to be too similar from day-to-day. You will benefit from this module because it will expose you to a wider range of possibilities and encourage you to use assessment in a wider range of situations.
-26 to -12 Your assessment techniques are mostly traditional and unvaried. There is nothing wrong with this, but you are probably not making full use of information and communications technology (ICT) as a tool for teaching and learning. This module will certainly expose you to some interesting new ideas for alternative assessment.

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