GeoGebra in Mathematics Teaching
GeoGebra's Input Bar

- Open a "New Window" and activate the "Input Bar"
- De-select the "Spreadsheet View"
- Type the following texts verbatim in the Input Bar and record your observations each time. Every entry must be confirmed by pressing "ENTER/ RETURN" Key on the Keyboard
- a=12
- A=(1,2)
- b=Segment[A,a]
- B=(4,7)
- p=Polygon[A,B,5]
- "Area of polygon p =" +p
Manipulate the objects and describe your observations
save the current file as "Input_1.ggb" in the default directory

Distinguish the following, in reference to the "Input Bar"
- a=12 and 12
- h=(-3,5) and H=(-3,5)
- "Area of polygon p =" +p and "Area of polygon p = +p"
What is the difference between GeoGebra's "Toolbar" and "Algebraic Input Commands "
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JCA Presentation: Using GeoGebra in Secondary School Mathematics teaching