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ICT Skills for Teachers

Design a concert programme (Beginner level)

As an educator, there will be times when you need to create a programme for an event at your school. You will be able to create such a programme using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher. This example uses Microsoft Word.

By the end of this task you could achieve the following outcomes:

Download an example - Create a programme
- Change page orientation
- Insert text boxes
- Insert graphics and text

Create your own concert programme, or similar document - one which you will find useful. Alternatively, follow this example. To do so you would typically work through the following steps:

1. Start Microsoft Word. See how »
2. Change page layout: Changing the page set up to landscape view will give you more width on the page for this document. See how »
3. Insert Text boxes: Insert a text box, remembering that these are the borders of each page of the programme. See how »
4. Save the file: Remember to save your work at regular intervals. See how »
5. Change text box border: Select a border of your choice. See how »
6. Insert text in text boxes: Write the information you require in the text boxes.
7. Modify text: Change the appearance of your text to suit your needs. See how »
8. Insert a graphic: You may insert appropriate graphics in your programme. See how »
9. Inserting bullets and numbering: Use bullet lists and/or numbered lists when you type the programme items. See how »
10. Save the file. See how »
11. Print the file. See how »

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» Create a certificate
» Write a bulletin
» Design a poster

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