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ICT Skills for Teachers

Design a certificate (Beginner level)

As an educator you may often have to create certificates for various achievements or sporting awards. You will use Microsoft Publisher to do this.

By the end of this task you could achieve the following outcomes:

Download an example - Create a certificate of your choice using Microsoft Publisher
- Choose the publication type and design
- Choose the font and colour scheme
- Change the appearance of textboxes and auto-shapes on your certificate
- Save your certificate
- Print your certificate

Create your own bulletin - one which you will find useful. Alternatively, follow this example. To do so you would typically work through the following steps:

1. Start Microsoft Publisher. See how »
2. Choose publication type: The publisher wizard offers many types of publication templates - choose the one that most suits your needs. See how »
3. Save your work: Remember to save your work regularly.
4. Choose the font and colour scheme: The wizard has preset colour schemes that apply to the whole certificate. Note - if printing in black and white, select that option for your colour scheme. See how »
5. Change the appearance of textboxes: You might like your borders to be a different colour or size. See how »
6. Change the appearance of auto-shapes: You can fill the shapes with one or two colours and add an effect. See how »
7. Save your work.
8. Print your work.

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