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ICT Leadership for Education Managers

Teachers using ICT to enhance learning (Module 2: Workshop 3)

As a principal you will make important decisions about the use of ICT in your school. On what evidence do you base your decisions? In this workshop you are given the opportunity to examine just a few examples of what teachers could do using ICT to enhance learning in the classroom.

By the end of this task you could achieve the following outcomes:

- Evaluate whether ICT can help teachers to enhance learning.

2 hours

Workshop questions: Should teachers use ICT in learning situations in schools?
Can ICT contribute to enhanced learning?

  Description Resources
1 Work in pairs. (15 min)

In this workshop you will weigh up the evidence to support or refute the claim that ICT can support teachers and enhance learning. In this workshop we focus on ways in which ICT can be integrated with curriculum activities.

Open the Showing Evidence tool.
» Click here to do the Showing Evidence activity.
2 Work in pairs. (45 min)
  • You may alter the wording of the claim in the Showing Evidence tool before you begin.
  • View the resources listed in the resource column and decide what evidence each resource provides.
  • Discuss the evidence and update the Showing Evidence tool after each video.
» Using the Internet for research.

» Using presentations to share knowledge.

» Using spreadsheets for entrepreneurship and EMS

» Using spreadsheets for mathematics discovery learning.

» Learner support document
» Learner sample presentation
» Learner sample brochure
» Learner sample website
3 Work in pairs. (30 min)
  • Read the scenarios and view the example documents using the links in the resource column and decide what evidence each provides.
  • Discuss the evidence and update the Showing Evidence tool after viewing each resource.
» Click here to view submissions in the ThinkQuest library
4 Work in pairs. (15 min)
  • Discuss evidence that refutes the claim, based on your experiences with ICT, and update the Showing Evidence tool.
  • Colour negative evidence in red text and positive evidence in green text.
5 Meet as a whole group (15 min)
  • Share your summaries with the whole group and discuss the workshops question. What is your conclusion? What actions do you intend to take based on your conclusion?
  • Update your course workbook: item 2-3.
6 Community of principals

Join the Partners in Learning Network and find a community of principals online.
» Go to the Partners in Learning Network

Related scenarios

» How teachers use ICT in administration and lesson planning
» Teachers growing in ICT competence

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