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ICT Leadership for Education Managers

Teachers growing in ICT competence (Module 2: Workshop 1)

As a principal you may have very particular ideas about ICT in your school. Some of these ideas may have been influenced by practical challenges such as the affordability of resources. Other ideas may be influenced by your personal like or dislike of ICT. We would like to harness your support of your staff as they grow in ICT competence.

In this workshop we would like to increase awareness of the personal and professional growth opportunities and experiences that your staff may have as they try to learn about ICT. We encourage you to take responsibility for your staff's professional ICT development.

Optional reading: Impact on Integration - qualified teachers are more effective

By the end of this task you could achieve the following outcomes:

- Reflect on roles of the principal in promoting ICT integration
- Become aware of teacher ICT competencies
- Recognise teacher developmental stages with ICT
- Plan specific actions to help teachers grow in ICT competence

2 hours 15 min

Workshop question: Can principals make opportunities for staff to grow in ICT integration?

  Description Resources
1 Roles of the principal in promoting ICT integration (45 min)
  • Listen to the trainer presentation on the roles of the principal. (5 min)
  • Work in groups of 3. Do the visual ranking exercise on the roles of the principal in promoting ICT integration in the school. (10 min)
  • Reflect on and discuss your group experience with the whole group. (20 min)
  • Update your course workbook: item 2-1-1. What are the roles that you would like to play in supporting ICT in your school? (10 min)
» ICT Leadership Descriptors

» View the trainer presentation

» View the course workbook (first time only)
2 Teacher ICT Integration Competencies (45 min)
  • Listen to the trainer presentation on teacher competencies. (10 min)
  • Work in groups of 4. Open your course workbook at item 2-1-2. View the available programme and discuss how you can help teachers achieve specific ICT integration competencies. (20 min)
  • Make notes on what specific actions you can take to develop ICT integration competencies in educators that you manage. (15 min)
» View the competencies trainer presentation

» Read more about ICT teacher competencies

» Read more about training opportunities

» View the course workbook (first time only)
3 Identifying teacher development stages (45 min)
  • Working on your own, identify the general level of staff ICT development in your school/region using the table of Levels of practice. (10 min)
  • Working on your own, use the Levels of competency table to identify specific teachers that have achieved the described levels of competence. Write their names in the right-hand column of the table. (15 min)
  • Work in pairs or threes. Consult the Strategies for competence table and the list of teacher development programmes. Open your course workbook at item 2-1-3. Compile a list of specific recommendations for teacher development that you can make to specific members of your staff. (20 min)
» View the levels of practice table

» View the levels of competency table

» Read more about strategies for competence table

» Read more about teacher development programmes in South Africa
4 Community of principals

Join the Partners in Learning Network and find a community of principals online.
» Go to the Partners in Learning Network

Related scenarios

» How teachers use ICT in administration and lesson planning
» How teachers use ICT to enhance learning

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