
There are very few good pictures of viruses on the web or anywhere else. They are extremely difficult to find. Thus, it's no surprise that we would like to take this time to show our deep appreciation and thank the following people and organizations for giving us permission to use their pictures.

(click on their name to see what pictures they permitted us to use.)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
C. Goldsmith, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Linda M. Stannard, University of Cape Town
Dr. F. A. Murphy, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis.
Dr. Frank Fenner, Australian National University
Veterinary Sciences Division at The Queen's University of Belfast
Wadsworth Center, New York State Dept. of Health

Credit is given in the following format:

    Name of file on this web page : Owner
    Original Location

We would also like to thank Mr. And Mrs. Zelechoski for being our Doctors in our game!
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