Dr. F. A. Murphy
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of California, Davis.

E-mail: famurphy@ucdavis.eduREMOTE


Ebola.jpg : Electron micrograph by Dr. F. A. Murphy, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis.

Original location: http://www.gene.com:80/ae/WN/NM/murphy_EMs.html REMOTE

Description: This is the first photo ever taken of Ebola Zaire virus, on 10/13/1976 by Dr. F.A. Murphy, now at UC Davis, then at CDC. Diagnostic specimen in cell culture at 160,000 x magnification.

Marburg.jpg : Electron micrograph courtesy of Dr. F. A. Murphy, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis.

Original location: http://www.gene.com:80/ae/WN/NM/murphy_EMs.html REMOTE

Description: Marburg virus pictured between two human liver cells at 75,000 x magnification.

rabies_thumb.gif : Micrograph from Dr. F. A. Murphy, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis.

Original location: http://www.vetnet.ucdavis.edu/fam_graphics/download.html REMOTE

Description: Rabies virus, purified from an infected cell culture. Negatively stained virus particles: note their characteristic "bullet shape." Magnification approx x50,000.

smallpox_thumb.gif : Micrograph from F. A. Murphy, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis.

Original location: http://www.vetnet.ucdavis.edu/fam_graphics/download.html REMOTE

Description: Smallpox virus growing in the cytoplasm of an infected cell. Thin section of infected chick embryo. Mature virus particles are brick-shaped, but here immature forms are also visible. Smallpox virus was globally eradicated in 1977, by an international vaccination campaign, one of the greatest achievements in history. Magnification approx x25,000.

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