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The Hotel Riviera

Your tour bus arrives at the place you will be staying in about 20 minutes.  This first hotel, the Hotel Riviera, was created by members of the American Mafia during their period of investment in Cuba.  At the time, it was the fanciest hotel on the island.  Today, its neon sign still lights up and changes color at night.

The Hotel RivieraThe Neon Sign at Night 

The Hotel Riviera            The Neon Sign at Night

Melia Cohiba

Your next option is the Melia Cohiba.  This new hotel was a joint venture between the government and a Spanish company.  Many business travelers stay here, and restaurants and small shops are found inside.

The Melia Cohiba 

The Melia Cohiba

Habana Libre

Formerly known as the Havana Hilton, this hotel was nationalized shortly after the Revolution.  It is now known as the Habana Libre, and is still popular among tourists.

Outside the HotelTowering Over the CityThe Lobby Area 

           The Area Outside the Hotel           Towering Over the City      The Lobby Area

Hotel Desk 

Hotel Desk

Hotel Nacional

The 60 year old Hotel Nacional sits atop a cliff.  It was the scene of resistance by officers during the Sergeants' Revolution.

The Hotel NacionalThe Hotel at Night 

The Hotel Nacional                                The Hotel at Night

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