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Monday, June 18

Welcome to the first day of your trip.  To do one of the activities, read the short summary below then click on the picture.  In the activities, you can click on the pictures to see a larger version.  When you are done with this day, click the Go To Tomorrow link above.

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AirportYou arrive in Cuba at the José Martí Airport around noon.  Take a look around nearby, then return to the bus for your next stop. 

HotelYou next will choose a hotel.  You can pick either the Hotel Riviera, Habana Libre, Hotel Nacional, or the new Melia Cohiba.  Then, see where you will be and look at the neighborhood in which you are staying.

Scale Model of HavanaAfter that, you will take your first trip in Cuba.  It will be to the Scale Model of Havana, a fascinating museum with an interesting guide who will take you all around the city.

Plaza de la RevolucionNext, visit Havana's Plaza de la Revolución.  This famous square has a huge memorial to Cuban National Hero José Martí.  Huge crowds gather here often.  It is also the place that President Fidel Castro gives his speeches.  Unfortunately, he won't be speaking during your trip.

Cathedral in Old HavanaYou can conclude your day by taking a trip to Old Havana.  Buildings hundreds of years old still stand in this part of town.  There are also markets and some important historical sites.

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