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River Dolphins
- Amazon River Dolphin (Boto)
- Baiji
- Indus and Ganges River Dolphins
- Franciscana
River dolphins are only very distantly related to oceanic dolphins. They
are not classified under the family Delphinidae. In fact they
comprise several families, including Iniidae, Platanistidae, Lipotidae, and
Pontoporiidae. Most of them live in some of the world's largest and most
complex river systems: the Amazon, the Indus and Ganges, and the Yangtze.
One species, the Franciscana, is actually found in the estuaries on the
southeastern coast of South America. They are perplexing creatures, having
both some of the most advanced characteristics of all living cetaceans and
some evolutionary holdovers from many eons past. River dolphins most likely
descend from marine cetaceans, as some fossils of the family Iniidae have been
found in oceanic environments. It is believed that all odontocetes are at
least primitively marine. They probably came about through convergent
evolution, with similar habitats selecting similar characteristcs. They may
not be closely related to each other at all.
All river dolphins fall into the superfamily Platanistoidae. It appears
that this superfamily separated from Delphinoidae at a very early stage, right
at the time of the first odontocetes. It is possible that they evolved from
some taxon within the family Agorophiidae, which is now extinct. Agorophiidae
consisted of many long-snouted genera, possibly related to the highly derived
platanistids from Asia. It was most diverse during the Miocene.
Living river dolphins do not very closely resemble their oceanic
counterparts. Their sizes range from very small to medium-sized. They all
have extremely long beaks, sometimes reaching one fifth of the total body
length, and many pointed teeth. Their extremely flexible necks allow them to
navigate dense, swampy water basins, and their pronouced melons betray
extraordinary echolocation abilities, allowing them to operate in the most
murky, dense waters. Their brains are extremely large and well developed.
They have broad, short flippers, with visible "fingers" -- an obvious
evolutionary holdover. They also have very small dorsal fins, often only a
couple of centimeters tall. As the waters they navigate are so muddy, they
have little need for vision, and as a result they are almost blind. The Indus
and Ganges river dolphins have lost their lenses altogether.
Distribution Map (Click for larger version)
Amazon River Dolphin (Boto)
Inia geoffrensis, Family: Iniidae
The only extant species of the family Iniidae is the Amazon River dolphin
or boto. It is the largest of the river dolphins, and the easiest to see.
There are three main stocks: one in the Amazon River basin, one in the Orinoco
basins and one in the upper Madeira River. These populations have small
phyisical differences, but they may be more environmental than genetic. They
are all heavily built and have snouts of intermediate lengths. Their teeth
are small and have wrinkled enamel. Their skulls have upturned crests at the
margin of the face. Boto are often found in association with Tucuxi, the
other dolphin to inhabit the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers. It is sometimes
found feeding with the Giant Otter. There is much variation in the body
color, ranging from light gray to pink to brown. Individuals are most active
during the early morning and late afternoon hours. Whether or not they are
approachable varies geographically. Occasional breaching has been observed,
and individuals sometimes lift their heads into the air. Most dives are
short, lasting only 30-40 seconds. The population appears to be declining.
Distribution Map (Click for larger version)
Lipotes vexillifer, Family: Lipotidae
Being very easily frightened and usually impossible to approach by boat,
Baiji has not been an easy dolphin to study and is thus little known. It's
habitat consists of the Yangtze River. Once classified as Iniidae, it now
falls under the family Lipotidae. The family Pontoporiidae has also been
suggested, since fossiles from the late Miocene and Pliocene have been
discovered that are intermediate between the Pontoporia and the Lipotes.
Baiji are sometimes found with finless porpoises and are mostly active at
night. When active, its swimming is very rapid and many variations in style
are found. Individuals change directions often and dives are frequent and
short. Conversely, when not active, swimming is slow, smooth, and usually
unidirectional. Dives are also fewer in number and longer in duration. The
species has been under legal protection since 1949, but despite the efforts of
the Chinese government to protect these dolphins, the population appears to be
declining. It appears to be the most endangered of all cetaceans.
Distribution Map (Click for larger version)
Indus and Ganges River Dolphins
Platanista minor (Indus) and P. gangetica (Ganges), Family: Platanistidae
The Indus and Ganges River dolphins are almost identical in anatomy and
behavior, but are separated geographically. For many years, it was thought
that they belonged to the same species, but craniological differences, as well
as differences in the blood protein were found. In appearance and habits
they are nearly identical. They are the only living members of the family
Platanistidae. They are small and have several primitive characteristics,
including flexible flippers and necks. However, they have many derived
cranial characteristics, and their skulls are some of the most modified of any
cetacean. Members of this species are usually seen living alone or in pairs,
although groups of up to ten individuals have been observed. These
observations may merely be a result of diminishing population size, since in
the 19th century, reports of large schools were quite common. They are the
only cetaceans with no crystalline eye lens, making them effectively blind.
They can probably detect the direction, and possibly the intensity, of
light, but they navigate and find food with a very advanced system of
echolocation. Individuals are active at all hours. Compared to other river
dolphins, they are more active at the surface. They often swim with their
beaks out of the water, and females sometimes lift their calves completely
above the water. When distressed, they breach. Their beaks are long and
narrow, sometimes reaching one fifth of the body length. Their teeth are not
entirely homogeneous; those at the tip of the beak are longer. Instead of a
dorsal fin, Indus and Ganges River dolphins only have triangular humps.
Distribution Map (Click for larger version)
Pontoporia blainvillei, Family: Pontoporiidae
The family Pontoporiidae, which used to be Stenodelphinae or
Stenodelphininae, consists of the only modern odontocetes that retain a
symmetrical skull. Fossils have been found in the South American marine
deposits, and they appear to be coastal marine mammals. The only modern
species of this family is the franciscana. Very few records of this species
in the wild exist. It is inconspicuous and easy to overlook except in very
calm conditions. Although closely related to river dolphins, this species
lives at sea, occupying the estuaries of southeastern South America. It
prefers very shallow coastal waters. One of the smallest cetaceans,
franciscana's beak is very long -- relatively speaking, the longest of any
cetacean. It most likely prefers a solitary existance, but groups of up to
five individuals have been occasionally reported. It has been known to
lie on the sand at the bottom of the water on hot days, coming to the surface
periodically to breath. When approached by a predator, it remains
completely stationary. Movement is very smooth, as it seldom rolls and shows
little of itself when breathing. The major threat to this species is
entanglement in fishing nets, which may very well have depleted the
Carwardine, Mark. Eyewitness Handbooks: Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. New York: Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 1995.
Evans, Peter G. H. The Natural History of Whales and Dolphins. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1987.
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