Plains or Burchell's Zebra: Equus burchelli
- Grant's or Boehm's zebra: E. b. boehmi
- Selous' zebra: E. b. selousi
- Chapman's zebra: E. b. antiquorum
- Burchell's zebra: E. b. burchelli
Weight and Height
males: wt 55 lb (250 kg), ht 51-56 in (127-140 cm)
females: wt 484 (220 kg), ht 50-55 in (125-350 cm)
white background with black stripes; patterns are different on every animal; patterns are much thicker and bolder in equatorial Grant's or Boehm's zebra. Burchell's zebra do not have stripes on lower legs or belly.
General Locations
In most areas from southeastern Sudan to South Africa and west to Angola, the Somali-Masai Arid Zone, Southern Savanna, and South West Arid Zone. The Plains or Burchell's zebra can be seen in almost any national park or reserve, but specifically in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania and Etosha NP, Namibia.
These zebras are one of the most successful herbivores in Africa because of their adaptation to many different kinds of grassland habitats. These zebras can generally be seen with wildebeest in habitats where both animals depend on the same food and water sources.
Burchell's zebra are both diurnal and nocturnal, but are usually more active during the day. Zebras will graze alone for up to several hours at night, but move very little during that time. Some herds may travel as far as 10 mi (17 km) before choosing a new spot for the night.
Social Systems
In the zebra social system, harem masters will have mating rights with generally 2 to 6 mares and in most cases will stay with them for life. As long as the respected family stallion is strong enough to assert his rights, harem ownership of territory is quite safe.
Home ranges can range in size from 11 sq. mi (30 sq. km) to over 232 sq. mi (600 sq. km). during migration.
During mating seasons, up to 18 stallions will fight the herd's stallion over one estrus filly until the strongest zebra wins, and ultimately wins the right to mate with her.
Breeding is generally year-round for most plains or Burchell's zebra. However, the mating/birth peak is during the early rainy season. Foals mature by the age of 3 or 3.5 years and then reproduce every 2 years thereafter.
Lion and hyena