Grevy's Zebra: Equus grevyi (endangered)
Weight and Height
males: wt 946 lb (430 kg), ht 56-64 in (140-160 cm)
females: wt 849 lb (386 kg), ht 56-64 in (140-160 cm)
Unique stripe pattern on each zebra
General Locations
Grevy's zebra can be found only in the Somali Arid Zone located in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. The largest concentration lives in northern Kenya, however, it is only several thousand strong.
Grevy's zebra can be found in the following National Parks and Reserves: Samburu-Isiolo NR, Meru and Sibiloi NP, Kenya.
The zebra is less adapted to the desert than the wild ass, but is able to survive in the Somali Arid Zone. Grevy's tend to look for areas with abundant grass and water. During the rainy season, if food or water run out then the zebras will migrate to areas such as the foothills of Mt. Kenya where the average rainfall is higher. While in search of water, it digs holes in streambeds until water is found.
Grevy's zebra are both diurnal and nocturnal animals. They have not been heavily studied, but research shows that Grevy's are more active at night than during the day.
Social Systems
In some regions, the stallions will maintain territories ranging from 1 to 4.6 square miles (2.7-10.5 sq. km) which contain the best pastures with water available within the area. Stallions are so protective of their territory that they will remain there even during the dry season when the others will migrate in search of better food and water.
During migration, it is common to see 100 to 200 zebras congregated around a single water hole or scattered in pastures of luscious green grass. During the dry season however, it is typical to see herds of 2 to 6 and up to 10 zebras in one area.
During the dry season, most zebras will travel 3.5 to 5 (6-8 km) daily between water and pastures while passing through several territories.
The gestation period is around 13 months for Grevy's zebra. Birth and mating peaks are usually July through August and October through November, respectively. Zebras will breed in 2 year intervals starting at the age of 3 for females and age 6 for males.
Lion and spotted hyena.