Module Outline
Learning Pathway
Activity 6B: Using the news

Read New York Times : 20 mins
Browse news sites: 50 mins
Create lesson: 50 mins
Group interaction: 40 mins
Adapt lesson: 20 mins
Use lesson: 50 mins
Submit lesson to portal: 10 mins


4 hrs


The purpose of this activity is for you to

  • get ideas on how the news has been used in classrooms elsewhere, and to decide whether you would like to use similar strategies.
  • create an assessment tool for a lesson activity that includes using online news resources

We will refer you to examples of how the news has been used to create lesson material. We would then like you to create your own lesson, based on local news stories.

Group Activity 6B
  1. Read the information on the homepage of the New York Times newspaper in education programme  page. This gives you an idea of how the newspaper can be used in teaching.
  2. Have a look at the resources in the lesson plans archive pbdotb3.jpg (981 bytes) on the New York Times page that you have just read. You will have to log on to the Internet to see these. Look at the ways in which news stories have been used in the classroom. Here is an example of how to navigate through these pages.
  3. Go to a newspaper website in your country such as one of these below, and find a current or past news story in your learning area that you think will appeal to your learners.
  4. Copy and paste the story using your word processor and save it into your personal folder.
  1. Read through the story, and, using the ideas you saw in the examples given in the newspaper sites, create a lesson activity around the story. These guidelines for planning a news lesson will help you.
  2. Develop an assessment tool (if you do not already have one that is perfect for this purpose) that will assess your learners' ability to use online news resources.
  3. Implement the lesson. As the lesson progresses, provide ongoing formative assessment.  
  4. Conclude the lesson by asking someone in each group to describe their group's experience (positive and negative). Complete the assessment for your learners and provide one example of a completed assessment tool to your group.
  5. Send a message to your group (using the subject heading "Using the news") in which you
    - describe how the class managed. Mention difficulties as well as successes.
    - attach your lesson activity and completed assessment tool.
  6. Adapt your lesson activity based on feedback from your group and mentor.


If you would like to view the other optional activities:

Click here to view the activity on electronic reference resources.


Click here to view the activity on current online data resources.

If you have completed this activity, click here to go to Activity 7


Assessing ICT Integration
Module Outline | Learning Pathway | Activities

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