Thinking with Technology
Module 1 - Targeting Thinking in the Classroom

Activity 1.4

Creating Your Own "Habits of Learning Taxonomy"

When you think about what your learners need to be successful, which skills and habits do you think are most important to support in your curriculum and classroom environment?

Refer to Costello's Habits of Mind

  1. Consider all three models of categorizing/skills needed for learners to learn most successfully. Which ideas from any of these models are you most interested in developing (or continuing to develop) in your classroom?

  2. Develop your own "Habits of Learning Taxonomy" using a visual organizer that meets your needs. Use either the table or the Venn diagram on the worksheet to define and organize the thinking skills and/or habits you would like your learners to develop in your classroom.


Note: A summary of Wiggins and McTighe's Six Facets of Understanding are provided in Appendix B: Thinking Skills Resources as additional thinking model resources to consider, if desired. You may also want to review the thinking skill resources available at:

Click Enter and then click Thinking Skills.


Next : Proceed to Activity 1.5


Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.5 (SA) | Thinking with Technology