Thinking with Technology
Module 1 - Targeting Thinking in the Classroom

Activity 1.5

Reviewing the Project Plan Template

Throughout the following modules, you will:

  • Build the foundation of your project (by determining your targeted thinking skills, assessment standards, priorities for project design, Curriculum-Framing Questions, and Assessment Plan)
  • Try out the thinking tools to see how well they fit and support your project’s goals and objectives
  • Finalize your plans for tool use, project activities, and implementation

Click here to read about the purpose of the modules and how to apply the tools to each project.

In this activity, view the Project Plan Template in preparation for future activities. Also use this time to type your “Habits of Learning Taxonomy” into the Project Plan Template as the first layer in the foundation of your project. To get started, you need to create a location to save your unit materials. Use the Help Guide if you need assistance in completing any ICT skills identified below.

  1. Discuss briefly the various sections of the project plan

  2. Create a folder on your desktop (or the location indicated by your instructor) and name the folder [your name] Project Folder. Save all files from this workshop in this folder.

  3. Right-click this link to the Project Plan Template. Briefly review the various sections, and note the descriptions in the fields that you are required to complete.

  4. Select Save Target As.

  5. Locate your Project Folder and save the file.

  6. Open the Project Plan Template document.

  7. Consider refining your "Habits of Learning Taxonomy" to a manageable number of thinking skills, and then type them into the Habits of Learning Taxonomy section of your Project Plan and save. You will continue to refer to these thinking skills as you build your unit throughout the following modules.
Next : Proceed to Activity 1.6

Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.5 (SA) | Thinking with Technology