Module 13

Planning and Doing Your Action Plan


Module 13

Planning and Doing Your Action Plan

Description: Before doing, reviewing, and sharing the products you made in this course, you began by planning. In much the same way, the objective of this module is to have you create an action plan that outlines the action steps that you will take to change your classroom practices based on what you have learned in this course. You will outline the changes you want to make in your teaching practices and develop action steps to help you implement the changes over time.

Pair and Share: Reflecting on Module 10

Share your answers to the Take-Home Exercise: Reflecting on Module 12 with a colleague and the whole group as directed. Record any new and good ideas on the lines that follow.

Exercise 1: Review Your Action Plan So Far

After each set of modules introducing activities such as word processing, using the Internet, multimedia and spreadsheets you were encouraged to think about how you could use each application in yoour teaching and with learners in the classroom. These reflections represent your action plan so far - hopefully you have real plans to use these applications in teaching and learning. The Action Plan represents a written commitment that you are making to trying these tools and resources in your teaching and learning from this point onwards. It should represent:

  • what you can do with ICT and
  • what you want to do about teaching differently with ICT.
  1. Review the responses in your Action Plan so far and revise those that you think are not achievable.

  2. Add new ideas or revise plans that may interest you more now that you have a better understanding of what ICT can do for your teaching and for your learners in the classroom.


Next: Proceed to Exercise 2


Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.0 (SA) | Getting Started