Module 13

Planning and Doing Your Action Plan


Module 13

Exercise 2: Planning Your Action Plan

Click here to read about What does an action plan look like?

You will now work alone or with one or more of your colleagues to plan and do your action plan. During the final module, you will review and share your action plan. As part of sharing, you have approximately five minutes to present your action plan to your colleagues and invited guests. You also get to watch and listen to presentations by your colleagues. However, before you create your action plan, you must first begin by planning your action plan.

Step 1

Start by going back and reviewing your answers to the Take-Home Exercises and your notes for the Pair and Share reflections. Recall some of the ways in which you planned to apply ICT and 21st century teaching and learning skills and approaches to enhance your productivity and professional practices in your classroom.

Step 2

Read the questions that follow. Work alone or with one or more of your colleagues to determine and record your answers in your handbook.

  1. What are your key goals?

  2. What instructional strategies and tasks will you use to achieve your goals?

  3. What challenges do you anticipate? What are your solutions to the challenges?

  4. What is your timeline for achieving your goals both in the short and long term? How will you display the information?

  5. What resources will you use? Consider the Internet sites you identified, the activity products you created, and the colleagues you met.

  6. How will you organize your action plan when you present it to others? What will be at the beginning, middle, and end?

  7. What software applications will you use? What pictures, tables, and documents might you design in the word processing software? What type of presentation would you build in the multimedia software? What worksheets and charts might you make in the spreadsheets software?

  8. How long do you think it might take to create your presentation? What is the sequence in which the steps must be completed?

  9. How will you engage your audience and convince them that applying ICT literacy and 21st century teaching and learning skills and approaches will enhance your productivity and professional practices in your classroom?

Step 3

Review your answers. If any questions have not been answered, answer them now. Make any other desired changes as well.

Step 4

Share your plan as directed. Be prepared to answer additional questions. You might even be asked to do more planning and to share your revised plan before approval is given.


Next: Proceed to Exercise 3


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