Indigenous Specialist                picture of shepherd tree
  You will research a site on Indigenous Trees.  Find a tree that you would like to plant in our school garden.  Will it be an evergreen, deciduous or semi-deciduous?  Will it need a lot of water? Will it grow in a windy East London? What about the height? Click here to look at a Website on South African Indigenous Trees.
  Choose a tree that you like and will best fit our garden.  

  Use storyboard 1 to make your notes.

  Take your completed storyboard and meet with the other Indigenous Specialists in your class.  Discuss the trees you have selected.  Have you made the right choice?  Will your tree be suitable for the school garden?  Do you have good reasons why you have selected the tree? Make any changes on your storyboard if necessary.

  Create on slide.

  Type the name of the tree, three reasons why is must be chosen and your name.  Copy a picture and the website address and paste it in your slide.  Click here to see your storyboard 2 to help you with the preparation of the slide.