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One Step Further (ICT Integration)

ICT resources for science teachers

More on data and charts

In this workshop we continue to explore plotting and charting data. We will be exploring how you can set up spreadsheets to explore cause and effect relationships in science.

Remember that the power of the spreadsheets is that they store relationships. You can design a template for plotting displacement, time, velocity and acceleration graphs. Whatever values you enter for displacement and time, velocity and acceleration will be automatically calculated and the graphs plotted for you.

By the end of this activity you could achieve the following outcomes:

- Produce an interactive learning tool using the spreadsheet
- Develop a task for your class in which spreadsheet graphs can be used with the learners

2 hours

Follow these steps to complete this activity. Look for contexts that are meaningful to you in your classroom.

  Description Resources
1 Work in pairs (30 min)
  • View this example of a spreadsheet with data and a graph on motion. Notice how the user can change the value in the red cells and see how the graph changes.
  • Examine the example and establish how the formulae work. Notice how the formulae make use of the value in K7 or K8 (the fields that the user can change).
  • Use the tool and discuss how this is useful for teaching scientific principles.
» Click here to see the example spreadsheet
2 Work in pairs (70 min)
  • You and your partner are challenged to produce a learning tool similar to the one shown in the above example.
  • Use a spreadsheet to plot an interactive graph representing the relationship between two or more sets of data.
  • Meet with larger groups to share your work, ideas and problems after about 40 minutes.
  • As you work on this, develop a task for your class in which the graph drawn can be used with the learners
» How to draw a chart

» How to draw a line graph

» How to draw a graph with more than one series

» How to write formulae

» Learn about absolute cell references
3 Meet as a class (20 min)

Showcase your work to the class and receive their feedback. Make a note of ways in which you could improve the learning tool.
4 Work on your own (between workshops)

If you have the opportunity, adapt and use some of the spreadsheets that your colleagues have developed. Use these either to illustrate principles to your learners, or have your learners manipulate and learn from these spreadsheet learning tools for science.
5 Community of teachers

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Recommended next activity:

» Pulling it together

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