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One Step Further (ICT Integration)

ICT resources for science teachers

Pulling it together

In the preceding 7 workshops you have been introduced to a range of useful tools for science teachers.

In this activity, you will draw together all of the skills that you have practised in the last few activities, by creating a sample worksheet, test, or exam paper that could be used in your classroom..

By the end of this activity you could achieve the following outcomes:

- Prepare one or more worksheets, tests, or sections of examination papers for use in your mathematics classes.
- Make use of one or more of resources from the Web, Equation Editor, the drawing tool and sets of data or graphs drawn in Excel
- Add a resource to the Partners in Learning Network

2 hours

Follow these steps to complete this activity. Be sure to create a document(s) that you will find useful for your classroom teaching.

  Description Resources
1 Work in pairs (90 min)
  • Prepare one or more worksheets, tests, or sections of examination papers for your use in your science classes. In these document, you should include examples that require you to make use of:
    • Resources from the Web
    • Equation Editor
    • The drawing tool
    • Graphs drawn in Excel
  • You may draw on work that you completed at earlier stages during this workshop
2 Meet in groups or as a class (30 min)

Showcase your work by displaying and sharing your worksheets and /or tests
3 Add your resources to the Classroom Resources on the Partners in Learning Network » Click here to see how to add a classroom resource
4 Community of teachers

Join the Partners in Learning Network and find a community of teachers online.
» Go to the Partners in Learning Network

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