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ICT Skills for Teachers (Office 2016 / Office 365)

Students capture learning experiences (Intermediate level)

One of the main problems with academic achievement is the concentration span and organisational skills of students. A lot happens in a lesson and even though the teacher has planned the lesson very carefully, that lesson is only as effective as the learning that has taken place. Much of that learning is the responsibility of the student, who has to retain critical bits of information for deeper understanding and remember many other details regarding further assignments, including homework. When students are working on projects this becomes even more complex. Microsoft OneNote provides the student with a range of information management tools.

By the end of this scenario you will be able to:

- Open a One Note notebook
- Add tags to notes
- Insert a template page
- Insert an audio recording
- Playback audio and video
- Find and insert an Image with Bing

Download an Example

» Life Science Lesson_Notes
» Also: eportfolio

You are welcome to copy this scenario demonstration step-by-step, but ideally you should apply these skills while preparing your own learning resources.

1. Start Microsoft OneNote. See how »
2. Record audio and type notes while recording. See how »
3. Review the playback. See how »
4. Type notes.
5. Annotate notes. See how »
6. Find and insert a picture. See how »
7. Insert a note taking template page. See how »

Related scenarios

» Create curriculum learning resources
» Scaffold a learner presentation
» Enhance learning through two way feedback

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