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ICT Skills for Teachers (Office 2016 / Office 365)

Create curriculum learning resources (Intermediate level)

One of a teacher’s main roles is to design learning materials for learning programmes. Microsoft OneNote provides the teacher with the ideal space to accumulate a variety of multimedia resources, create learning objects and organise learning activities. A learning object typically consists of 1) one or more information objects and 2) pedagogical content – the questions that will stimulate student thinking and response to the information objects.

By the end of this scenario you will be able to:

- Create new sections and pages
- Type in OneNote pages
- Move objects on a OneNote page
- Record audio
- Playback audio
- Insert a file into a OneNote page
- Insert a screen clipping into a OneNote page
- Conduct a search in OneNote

Download an Example

» Learning Object Women in Nazi Germany
» Teacher workbook
» Nazi Germany
» Gr 3 Math

You are welcome to copy this scenario demonstration step-by-step, but ideally you should apply these skills while preparing your own learning resources.

1. Start Microsoft OneNote. See how »
2. Add new sections and pages - you may already have a curriculum resource and may wish to add a page to include a learning activity and student response  page. See how »
3. Insert a screen clipping - import pictures and/or text from other sources. See how »
4. Insert a file - embed (attach) video, PDF and other files as additional resources on the page. See how »
5. Record audio clips - you could record your own voice with instructions or record a podcast from another source. See how »
6. Conduct a search - you may want to find a certain document containing information on a topic. See how »
7. Arrange objects on a page - to finalise your learning object, arrange the information objects on the page before adding your pedagogical content. See how »
8. Type in text boxes - add questions that relate to the information objects. This is what will help students think and learn about the topic – this is the pedagogical content of the learning object.

Related scenarios

» Write a good news note
» Type a class test
» Create an interactive mark book

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