International Herpes Management Forum - established to improve the awareness, understanding, counselling and management of infections caused by herpesviruses.
Genital Herpes Vaccine Trial - Information about a trial of a new vaccine which may protect against genital herpes. |
Herpes |
Herpes Alternatives Page - Herpes resources with a slant toward alternative approaches. |
Herpes Help - specific links to resources and information regarding treating Herpes with oxygenation treatments. |
Herpes Helper - observations by a guy who aquired Herpes. Includes links to people, products, and information. |
Herpes Simplex |
Herpes Zone - for the general public and healthcare professionals. |
Herpes: The Hidden Disease |
HerpeSite - up-to-date information on the herpes simplex viruses, with resources and support links for people with herpes. |
Lysine |
Northwestern University Health Services Herpes Booklet |
Partners of Patients with Genital Herpes |
UTSW Dallas Herpes Vaccine Study - seeking participants who may have been exposed for a herpes vaccine study. |
Web Directory: Herpes, The - information on awareness, treatment, research and more. |
Web Directory: The Herpes Web Ring - collection of pages that have to do with the Herpes Simplex virus (I or II). |
FAQ - Genital Herpes |
Usenet - alt.support.herpes | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |