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Side-striped Jackal
Wild dog or Cape Hunting dog
Ratel or Honey Badger
Wild Dog or Cape Hunting Dog: Lycaon pictus (Endangered)


Weight and Height
males/females: wt 44-55 lb (20-25 kg), ht 24-30 in (60-75 cm)

Wild dogs are typically tricolored: black, white, and tan with tan patches developing within black areas.

General Locations
The wild dog could be found all over the Northern and Southern Savanna, however persecution, disease, and reduction of habitats has caused the population of wild dog to drastically decrease. The wild dog must also be able to find abundant sources of prey, which typically weigh 30 to 100 lb (14-45 kg). The wild dog can go without water for long intervals if necessary, as long as the food eaten is very moist.

Wild dog can be found in the following National Parks and Reserves: Serengeti and Mikumi NP, Tanzania; Masai Mara NR, Kenya; Hwange NP, Zimbabwe; Moremi GR, Botswana; Kruger NP, South Africa.

The wild dog is considered diurnal, but has also been known to hunt or travel during the night hours. On average, a pack will travel 6 mi (10 km) in one day while in search of food. In some cases, if food is scarce, a pack will travel for 2 or 3 days, traveling 25 mi (40 km) each day to find a new home range.

Social Systems
Researchers have found the fact that wild dogs are endangered to be quite shocking because wild dogs are the most successful hunters and have the largest litters of any mammal (often pushing 18 pups/litter). In some cases, rabies and distemper will wipe out an entire pack which is often as many as 20 wild dogs. It is possible, to have as many as 40 or even 60 members in a pack, however the average is 10.

Each pack has a male and female breeding pair which is basically in charge, however the male nor female is the more powerful of the two; they are considered equals.

Home ranges are often 580 to 770 sq. mi (1500-2000 sq. km), especially in the Serengeti. 10-80% of the packs will have overlapping home ranges, but this is generally not an issue.

Mating is considered year-round and the birth peak is during or after the rainy season. The gestation period is 69 to 73 days there is generally a 12-to 14-month interval between litters. On average, a female will have 26 litters in her lifetime.

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