Thinking with Technology
Module 1 - Targeting Thinking in the Classroom

Activity 1.3

Step 2: Applying Marzano's Dimensions of Learning

Dimensions of Learning is an instructional framework developed by Robert J. Marzano (1988, 1992). This model is based on the idea that all successful learning is based upon five dimensions of thinking. Marzano's Dimensions 1 and 5 recognize the importance of social and emotional factors in learning. Dimension 2 focuses on knowledge, which is the basis or foundation that Dimensions 3 and 4 build upon.

Each of these dimensions of thinking occupies an equal place in successful learning. "The five dimensions do not exist in 'isolation' from each other and they do not show a progressive linear pattern of accomplishment. They do describe different cognitive processes, each valuable in its own right and each worthy of teacher attention during a unit of study" (Marzano, 1992).

Review the Dimensions of Learning and consider which elements emerge as being important in your own classroom.

Apply the Dimensions of Learning as you review a project on the Intel® Education Web site. Use the Help Guide if you need assistance in completing any ICT skills identified below.

  1. Open:

  2. Add this page to your Favorites for easy access in the future.
    • On the Favorites menu, select Add to Favorites.
    • Click the New Folder button.
    • Type Intel sites, and then click OK.
    • Click OK.

  3. Click Project Examples, and then click Project Ideas.

  4. Click River City Water and note the sections of the project and the live Visual Ranking project embedded in the project idea. (Use the Help Guide’s Visual Ranking skills, if needed.)

  5. Read the project idea. Use this worksheet and pick a few of the thinking skills from Marzano's Dimensions 3 and 4 that learners could employ during this project. The first one is completed as an example.
    • Theorize and explain what learners would be doing within that dimension during the project.
    • What might occur to promote thinking at each dimension, extrapolating from the description?
    • How would that thinking process be carried out?

  6. Share your ideas of what you saw in this unit with a partner. Discuss how this new categorization of thinking skills and classroom learning provides a different way of looking at thinking skills. How is this analysis of thinking skills different than if you used Bloom’s Taxonomy?
Note: Not all skills listed in the worksheet may be evident in the project plan, nor do they all need to be present.


Next: Proceed to Step 3 of Activty 1.3


Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.5 (SA) | Thinking with Technology