Thinking with Technology
Module 1 - Targeting Thinking in the Classroom

Effective integration of ICT cannot occur without important instructional components in place. ICT best supports and enhances learning when higher-order thinking skills are required. In this module, you will look at how thinking skills are employed in various classroom scenarios, reflect on your own classroom, discuss essential skills for your learners' future, and review different models of thinking in order to apply key ideas to your own classroom. You will also build upon your knowledge of what affects and supports deeper thinking in the classroom.

Activity 1.1

Introducing Yourself

During this time, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself and meet all of the workshop participants. You may want to list the key points you want to share about yourself, such as the grade level and subject you teach.


Next: Proceed to Activity 1.2


Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.5 (SA) | Thinking with Technology