Thinking with Technology
Module 1 - Targeting Thinking in the Classroom

21st Century Skills

Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes Themes include English, reading, or language arts;
world languages; arts; mathematics; economics; science; geography; history; government and civics, as well as global awareness; financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; and health literacy
Learning and Innovation Skills  
Creativity and Innovation Skills

focuses on originality and inventiveness in work;
developing, implementing and communicating new ideas to others; being open to new perspectives; acting on creative ideas

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills requires exercising sound reasoning in understanding, making complex choices and decisions, understanding the interconnections among systems, identifying and asking significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions, framing, analyzing and synthesizing information to solve problems and answer questions
Communication and Collaboration Skills includes articulating thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively through speaking and writing, demonstrating ability to work effectively with diverse teams, exercising flexibility and willingness to be
helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal, assuming shared responsibility for collaborative work
Information, Media and Technology Skills  
Information Literacy requires accessing information efficiently and effectively, evaluating information critically and competently, using information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand, possessing a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information
Media Literacy requires an understanding of how media messages are constructed, for what purposes and using which tools, characteristics and conventions; examining how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view are included or excluded, and how media can influence
Social Responsibility Acting responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind; demonstrating ethical behavior in personal, workplace, and community contextsbeliefs and behaviors; a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information
ICT Literacy includes using digital technology, communication tools and/or networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to function in a knowledge economy; using ICT as
a tool to research, organize, evaluate and ommunicate information, and the possession of a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding
the access and use of information
Life and Career Skills  
Flexibility & Adaptability includes adapting to varied roles and responsibilities,
and working effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities
Initiative & Self-Direction includes monitoring one’s own understanding and
learning needs; going beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to gain expertise; demonstrating initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional
level; defining, prioritizing and completing tasks without direct oversight; utilizing time efficiently and managing workload; demonstrating commitment to learning as a lifelong process
Social & Cross-Cultural Skills requires working appropriately and productively with
others, leveraging the collective intelligence of groups when appropriate, and bridging cultural differences and using differing perspectives to increase innovation and the quality of work
Productivity & Accountability requires setting and meeting high standards and
goals for delivering quality work on time and demonstrating diligence and a positive work ethic
Leadership & Responsibility includes using interpersonal and problem-solving
skills to influence and guide others toward a goal, leveraging strengths of others to accomplish a common goal, demonstrating integrity and ethical behavior, and
acting responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind

Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2007



Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.5 (SA) | Thinking with Technology