Teacher Development

Teacher Development

Teacher Development

SchoolNet's manages four large teacher development programmes:

  1. The Educators Network – up to the end of 2009

  2. The Commonwealth of Learning Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (CCTI) – since 2009

  3. Intel Teach

  4. Microsoft Partners in Learning

  5. Premium Member Programme of free online professional development

All programmes include world-class materials that have either been developed or considerably customised by SchoolNet SA. This materials development is based on established best practice principles.

A competency framework is used to plan and implement teacher development pathways using a range of modules and programmes as required.

Click here for an overview of the major teacher development courses

While some programmes are now being offered by some Provincial Departments of Education, SchoolNet SA also offers training to schools that are not part of their Department training schedule. Costs of these courses are minimal.

SchoolNet South Africa is an incorporated Non Profit Company - Registration 2001/012244/08, NPO Number 030-817
and holds Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Status, in terms of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act - PBO Number 130003557.

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