Text Box: birds visiting their garden such as bird baths, bird feeders , scarecrows, shining metals etc.
Text Box: A survey was conducted by a group of grade 7 learners. They set out to discover which birds frequented their gardens.
3 different times of the day were identified: 
Early morning before school.
Early afternoon after school.
Early evening just before sunset..
Over a period of a week each learner recorded the bird activity in their garden at the above specified times.
Bird type and the number of each was recorded on a tally table.
Text Box: Learners had fun comparing their finding.
Learners looked for similarities and differences between residential areas and between different types of gardens.
They collected information about the different plants types found in the gardens, they climatic conditions and the availability of water as well as measures different homes may have taken to encourage or discourage Text Box: Birds Found in Our Gardens
Text Box: Bird Feeder Competition
Text Box: Technology students were give the task of design a bird feeder using at least 80% recycled materials. 
The results of this competition was very pleasing. The learners showed an appreciation from preserving the environment by recycling. 
Text Box: The feeders were placed around the school gardens for a week and were judged on there durability and as to how effective there were at attracting birds and attracting a variety of bird.

Herzlia Middle School

Text Box: Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 1

Strictly About Birds



Sally Watts

Sub Editor:

Brett Horwitz


Adam Brown

Rowan Seef

Graham Black


Clem Sunter

Cleo Swart


Ruth Prowes