Intel Designing Effective Projects : Projects to Engage Learners
Characteristics of Projects | Planning Projects | Curriculum-Aligned Questions
Project Design

Projects in Action

Thinking Skills

Project Plan Index

Teaching and Learning Strategies


Anatomy of a Project Plan

Read how teachers overcome challenges of changing classroom practice:

Secondary 9-12

A Shift to Project-Based Learning
Project-based learning is one teaching and learning approach in a teacher’s repertoire. While it is effective with giving learners mportant 21st Century skills and subject understanding, it is not the only approach for teaching all skills and knowledge. Teachers who move to project-based learning face challenges as they shift from conventional practices. 

Changing Roles >
Read about the change in roles for teachers and learners as they move to ICt-integrated projects in the classroom.

Broadening Relationships >
Learn how relationships grow inside the classroom to the local community and to the broader world with project work.

Evolving Views >
See how assessment standards and tests, classroom organization, and time are viewed from a different perspective in a project-based environment.
